Buried Under the Mist: Solving A Hundred-year-old Murder
Book Title: Buried Under the Mist: Solving A Hundred-year-old Murder
Author: Alex Nero
My Rating (* have a look at my rating scale here): 4/5
The mystery novel ‘Buried under the mist’, is certainly a page turner. April is a civil engineering student who stumbles upon a 100-year-old murder mystery. The plot is intriguing. Any book that can make its characters relatable is unputdownable. Alex has done it. The protagonist of this book, April, as an engineering student who can’t seem to focus on his books particularly ‘Garphics’. seems real, just like many youngsters, who study engineering out of pressure from parents but their heart lies elsewhere. The book begins with April along with his four friends, on a trip to Goa, smoking and drinking, just few days ahead of exams. April knows he has to study as his arrears are piling up, but can’t seem to concentrate on the studies. His interactions with his family, him trying to avoid any conversations typical of the youngsters is relatable. At one point when all his friends clear the exams and he is left alone, one can empathize with him.
The buried mystery…
The mystery begins when April asks for money from his friend Roma for a trip with his friends. in return, she asks him to get her a picture of a very old colonial-era Dutch bungalow for her project. Due to circumstances beyond their control, April and his friends had to abandon the trip. Not able to bring the picture, April coolly shares pictures of some random bungalow from the internet to Roma. Roma’s professor rejects her project which makes her very angry. Afraid that she may tell about his failing grades and arrears to his parents, April requests her for some time and starts on the journey to get the picture of this bungalow. He manages the picture from an old book, but this is not the end. Roma’s professor is impressed with April and asks him to look at his own research on the 100-year-old murder mystery that is part of the bungalow’s past. Both of them finally embark on the journey to unravel the past, finds the bungalow destroyed many years ago. However, not giving up what they stumbled upon is what makes up for rest of the story.
The reader is kept intrigued till the end, and the end itself is a cherry on the cake. The book is available both as paperback and in kindle version in amazon. Do read, I am sure it will not disappoint the readers.