About Me & My Rating Scale


About Me:

Swami Vivekananda said, “A fool may buy all the books in the world, and they will be in his library; but he will be able to read only those that he deserves to.” I am one such fool who can’t stop buying books, hoping to read everything in my collection one day.

Hi! I am Archana. I am a researcher by profession and an artist by heart. My head goes through facts and proofs, and my heart creates a world of imagination.

Hopelessly in love with books, with a dream of being somewhere in the hills, in my own library with a rocking chair, I read, write blogs, and write honest reviews of the books that I have read. 

My vision and mission are:

To revive the lost art of reading, patient researching, logical and rational thinking in the current world of content churning AI tools, ‘quick fixes’ and unapologetic social media.

Swami Vivekananda said “Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man”. He observed, “Through education comes faith in one’s own Self, and through faith in one’s own Self the inherent Brahman is waking up in them.” My mission is to separate education from ‘rote-learning’ and infuse it with knowledge, skills and scientific temperament particularly for those who can’t afford it.

My Rating Scale:

  • 1/5: Could not finish
  • 2/5: Somehow finished
  • 3/5: Finished; It was OK, one time read
  • 4/5: Finished; It was a good read, may read It again
  • 5/5: Finished; Wow what a read! / Feeling sad that it is over/ Still thinking about it!
  • * and since emotions & feelings can not be absolute you may find fractions in my ratings too 🙂
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